# action.yml name: 'Discord Webhook Action' description: 'Send custom messages or upload files to discord webhooks with simple action inputs.' branding: icon: message-square color: purple inputs: webhook-url: description: 'Webhook URL from discord. See: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks for details' required: true content: description: 'Message that is sent via the webhook.' required: false thread-id: description: 'ID of the thread you want the webhook to send the message into (will automatically unarchive threads)' required: false thread-name: description: 'Name of the thread you want the webhook to create' required: false flags: description: 'Message flags' required: false wait: description: 'Whether Discord should wait for confirmation of message send before responding to the webhook request' required: false default: "true" username: description: 'The username that should appear to send the message. Note: username will have the "bot" badge next to their name.' required: false avatar-url: description: 'URL for the avatar that should appear with the message.' required: false tts: description: 'Boolean to indicate whether the webhook is text-to-speech' required: false raw-data: description: 'Name of a json file that will be sent as the data for the webhook' required: false filename: description: 'Name of a file that will be uploaded via the webhook' required: false embed-title: description: 'Embed title' required: false embed-url: description: 'Embed URL' required: false embed-description: description: 'Embed description' required: false embed-timestamp: description: 'Embed timestamp (ISO8601 format)' required: false embed-color: description: 'Embed color (integer)' required: false embed-footer-text: description: 'Embed footer text' required: false embed-footer-icon-url: description: 'Embed footer icon url' required: false embed-image-url: description: 'Embed image url' required: false embed-thumbnail-url: description: 'Embed thumbnail url' required: false embed-author-name: description: 'Embed embed author name' required: false embed-author-url: description: 'Embed author url' required: false embed-author-icon-url: description: 'Embed author icon' required: false runs: using: 'node20' main: 'dist/index.js'