import fs from "fs"; import { Blob } from "buffer"; import * as glob from "glob"; import core from "@actions/core"; import gitea from "gitea-api"; import path from 'path'; /** * Extends packages service, adding publish generic packages api method support * * @class PackagesServiceEx * @extends {gitea.PackageService} */ class PackagesServiceEx extends gitea.PackageService { /** * The http request instance. * the base url of the api, e.g. * @private * @type {gitea.BaseHttpRequest} * @memberof PackagesServiceEx */ baseHttpRequest; /** * Creates an instance of Packages service. * @param {gitea.BaseHttpRequest} httpRequest * @param {gitea.BaseHttpRequest} baseHttpRequest * @memberof PackagesServiceEx */ constructor(httpRequest, baseHttpRequest) { super(httpRequest); this.baseHttpRequest = baseHttpRequest; } /** * try get package files from generic package registry * * @private * @param {string} owner The owner of the package. * @param {string} packageName The package name. It can contain only lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letter (A-Z), numbers (0-9), dots (.), hyphens (-), pluses (+), or underscores (_). * @param {string} packageVersion The package version, a non-empty string without trailing or leading whitespaces. * @return {gitea.CancelablePromise>} * @memberof PackagesServiceEx */ async trylistGenericPackageFiles(owner, packageName, packageVersion) { try { const response = await this.listPackageFiles({ owner: owner, type: 'generic', name: packageName, version: packageVersion }); return response; } catch (error) { core.warning(error); return []; } } /** * Publish zip files to generic package registry * * @param {string} owner The owner of the package. * @param {string} packageName The package name. It can contain only lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letter (A-Z), numbers (0-9), dots (.), hyphens (-), pluses (+), or underscores (_). * @param {string} packageVersion The package version, a non-empty string without trailing or leading whitespaces. * @param {Array} zip_files The zip package files. * @returns {gitea.CancelablePromise} * @throws {gitea.ApiError} * @memberof PackagesServiceEx */ async publishGenericPackages(owner, packageName, packageVersion, zip_files) { core.debug(`Uploading these generic packages: ${zip_files.join(', ')}`); const genericPackages = await this.trylistGenericPackageFiles(owner, packageName, packageVersion); if (!Array.isArray(genericPackages) || genericPackages.length === 0) { core.debug(`The version [${packageVersion}] does not have any generic packages, uploading...`); } else { core.debug(`The version [${packageVersion}] already has these generic packages: ${ =>', ')}`); } for (const filepath of zip_files) { const fileName = path.basename(filepath); // Check if the file exists. If exists, skip. const isExists = Array.isArray(genericPackages) && genericPackages.length > 0 && genericPackages.some((genericPackage) => { return === fileName; }); if (isExists) { core.warning(`Generic package [${fileName}] already exists, skip.`); continue; } else { core.debug(`Generic package [${fileName}] does not exist, uploading...`); } // Upload the file. const content = fs.readFileSync(filepath); const blob = new Blob([content]); await this.baseHttpRequest.request({ method: 'PUT', url: '/packages/{owner}/generic/{name}/{version}/{filename}', path: { 'owner': owner, 'name': packageName, 'version': packageVersion, 'filename': fileName }, body: blob, errors: { 400: `The package name and/or version and/or file name are invalid.`, 409: `A file with the same name exist already in the package.` } }); core.debug(`Successfully uploaded generic package ${filepath}`); } } } async function run() { try { const api_url = core.getInput("api_url"); const owner = core.getInput("owner"); const package_name = core.getInput("package_name"); const package_version = core.getInput("package_version"); const files = core.getInput("files"); const token = core.getInput("token"); // if api_url is empty or null or undefined. if (!api_url) { core.setFailed(`api_url is required.`); return; } // if owner is empty or null or undefined. if (!owner) { core.setFailed(`owner is required.`); return; } // if package_name is empty or null or undefined. if (!package_name) { core.setFailed(`package_name is required.`); return; } // if package_version is empty or null or undefined. if (!package_version) { core.setFailed(`package_version is required.`); return; } // if files is empty or null or undefined. if (!files) { core.setFailed(`files is required.`); return; } // if token is empty or null or undefined. if (!token) { core.setFailed(`token is required.`); return; } // Get all files using file patterns. const file_patterns = files.split('\n') const all_files = paths(file_patterns); if (all_files.length == 0) { core.setFailed(`${file_patterns} not include valid file.`); return; } // The publish package method is an api that is not publicly available in api/v1 const baseApiUrl = api_url.indexOf('/v1') > 0 ? api_url.slice(0, api_url.indexOf('/v1')) : api_url; const internal_gitea_client = new gitea.GiteaApi({ BASE: baseApiUrl, WITH_CREDENTIALS: true, TOKEN: token }); const gitea_client = new gitea.GiteaApi({ BASE: api_url, WITH_CREDENTIALS: true, TOKEN: token }); const packagesService = new PackagesServiceEx(gitea_client.request, internal_gitea_client.request); await packagesService.publishGenericPackages(owner, package_name, package_version, all_files);`🎉 Successfully uploaded generic packages: ${all_files.join(', ')}`); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error); } } /** * * @param {Array} patterns * @returns {Array} */ function paths(patterns) { return patterns.reduce((acc, pattern) => { return acc.concat( glob.sync(pattern).filter((path) => fs.statSync(path).isFile()) ); }, []); }; run();