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The plugin powering the Blazing Games minecraft server, with computers, enchanting altars, spawner modification, and more!


Releases of prebuilt jars are available here. Otherwise, please build the plugin yourself (see the Development section).

Instructions: Place the plugin's jar file inside your plugins folder and restart your server.

Most features should be configured out of the box. For those needing advanced configuration, see the file.


This is a standard Paper plugin using Gradle.

To build, use: ./gradlew build


This plugins supports testing. To run tests, use: ./gradlew build -Ptest=true, and load the plugin normally. Once tests are done running, the file TESTS_RESULT in the server files directory will contain true if tests passed or false if tests failed.


This plugin is licensed under the Apache License (version 2.0). For more information, please read the NOTICE and LICENSE files.